Selected Verses From The Book Of Allah
During that period the earth (the body) will be replaced by another earth (another body), and the heavens as well (individual consciousness will also be turned into another system of perception)! All will be apparent (openly evident with all their inner faces) to Allah, the Wahid, the Qahhar. (14.Ibrahim: 48)
And whomsoever Allah wills the realization of his essential reality, He opens his breast (his innermost comprehension) to Islam (to the consciousness of his submission) and whomsoever He wills to lead astray, He makes his breast tight and constricted, as though he were laboriously climbing into the sky! Thus Allah debases those who do not believe! (6.Al-An'am: 125)
Who is Ahmed Hulusi?
Ahmed Hulusi, born in Istanbul 1945, is currently the most comprehensive author of Islamic philosophy in Turkey. He has written more than thirty books since 1965 without any material gain from copyright.
- Ahmed HulusiIDEAS ON REDEFINING OUR PERSPECTIVE ON EXISTENCE…We generally think based on our human assumptions, GIVING AN EXISTENCE TO NAMES AND CONSIDERING NAMES AS OBJECTS. This takes us away from the reality that we need to realize and causes us to live in an imaginary world, a world that is not based on facts, a WORLD OF METAPHORS. Let us know... NAMES HAVE NO EXISTENCE! NAMES ARE NOT SACRED! Names are just signposts. NAMES HAVE NO EXISTENCE BEYOND BEING A WORD used to refer to an object or person! What is important is not the names themselves, but what the names refer to. However, we generally give EXISTENCE to names and imagine that existence according to the knowledge base of our brain. Thus, we assume the named entity to be something different from what it truly is. For instance, like, A GOD WHO IS ABOVE! We have created an object here. THE QURAN WARNES US ON THIS ISSUE IN THE FIRST VERSE READ, IN THE BASMELA, AS FOLLOWS: “THAT WHICH IS NAMED ALLAH”! While trying to read and understand the QURAN, while thinking, we ignore the meaning of the word "NAME" and start from the name "ALLAH", creating an interlocutor beyond us; If we eventually reach the point of a DIVINITY/GOD WHO THINKS, ACTS, AND JUDGES LIKE A HUMAN, none of our interpretations will be realistic. As far as we know with today's science, the one referred to by the name "ALLAH" is an undefinable entity that contains billions of galaxies, and trillions of stars, and creates countless types of beings. Maybe it is a power that does not accept the concept of existence or non-existence. This means that there is no mention of a GOD/DIVINITY with HUMAN-LIKE FEELINGS, DECISIONS, and JUDGMENTS, which is what people generally think of when they hear the name ALLAH, in the Quran. Now, with this introduction out of the way, let's address to our main topic... The beautiful names of Allah, referred to as "ESMA-UL HÜSNA"... Let's first clarify the following: The understanding that these names have an abstract/concrete existence and that everything comes from them is incorrect. This happens because humans tend to think of everything from a materialistic perspective…they think ‘as Man does’. We live in a universe with countless features, created in the knowledge of the being denoted by the name ALLAH, which is the ESSENTIAL REALITY OF EVERYTHING! In order to make a conscious creature who exists in a universe containing trillions of stars realize how the things in the world he lives in are revealed at every instant, HE defined the features revealed in HIMSLEF with certain names, which are called "esma ul husna", the beautiful names. In other words, Allah does not have names, but His creations have characteristics that are named and called "esma ul husna". In other words, all the names were formed as a result of what ALLAH created. It describes the characteristics of HIS creations, not what is referred to by the name ALLAH! The verse " Allah is Ghani from the worlds (in terms of His Absolute Essence, Allah is free from being conditioned and limited by the manifested compositions of His Names)!" also points to this. This is because the name ‘the worlds’ includes all created things, including the existence of the beautiful names. The statement of an enlightened soul, "The worlds have not even gotten a whiff of existence" points to this reality. The features that all names indicate are the features in the created worlds; Allah, cannot be defined with these. In Sufism, this is referred to as transcendence (Tanzih). Even attributes and characteristics are defined according to the characteristics indicated by the "beautiful names" that constitute human existence. That is why, Allah is absolutely unknown in terms of its essence (The most secret of secrets). From what I have explained so far, I hope it has been understood that everything that is discussed regarding THAT WHICH IS REFERRED TO WITH THE NAME ALLAH is in reference to the existence of the data composition that we call a ‘human’. ALLAH IN ITS ESSENCE IS AN ABSOLUTE UNKNOWN! Well then, “Allah gets angry, loves, takes revenge, hears, sees” etc. How should we understand the expressions… Allah willing, we will also address these in the future.