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For Love

Is God Great?

Selected Verses From The Book Of Allah

During that period the earth (the body) will be replaced by another earth (another body), and the heavens as well (individual consciousness will also be turned into another system of perception)! All will be apparent (openly evident with all their inner faces) to Allah, the Wahid, the Qahhar. (14.Ibrahim: 48)

And whomsoever Allah wills the realization of his essential reality, He opens his breast (his innermost comprehension) to Islam (to the consciousness of his submission) and whomsoever He wills to lead astray, He makes his breast tight and constricted, as though he were laboriously climbing into the sky! Thus Allah debases those who do not believe! (6.Al-An'am: 125)

Ahmed Hulusi

Who is Ahmed Hulusi?

Ahmed Hulusi, born in Istanbul 1945, is currently the most comprehensive author of Islamic philosophy in Turkey. He has written more than thirty books since 1965 without any material gain from copyright.

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DHIKR… What is the meaning of this word? The ENGLISH EQUIVALENT of the word DHIKR is "REMINDER." The QURAN is a knowledge given to "REMIND." Since the QURAN is revealed to "REMIND" the truth/origin of the human being, FIRST AND FOREMOST, LET US REALIZE THAT DHIKR IS NOT AN ACTION PERFORMED FOR SOME EXTERNAL BEING, GOD, OR DEITY! The Quran and the Rasul of Allah, consider that referring to the name of Allah as something beyond yourself, beyond your own ego is insufficient. In the time it came, the believers were told, "O BELIEVERS, BELIEVE IN YOUR CREATOR, BELIEVE IN ALLAH AS YOUR ESSENTIAL REALITY (Aminu Billahi)." In other words, DHIKR IS YOUR ESSENTIAL REALITY, YOUR RABB; it is a call to REMEMBER this truth, to cleanse yourself from thinking that you are this body/vehicle, rather that it is a vessel that you will temporarily use. It is a REMINDER. REMEMBERING ALLAH means not forgetting that the composition of your true existence is in the divine names/attributes of your RABB; live with the feeling that every moment your existence BELONGS TO ALLAH, and look at everyone from THIS perspective, according to THIS truth. To REMEMBER ALLAH means to remember that all the attributes of the one referred to by the name of Allah potentially constitute your existence (Rahman); it is to remember that the reason for your immortal existence is from the attribute referred to by the name "HAYY," and that your immortal existence will continue without the need for anything external, as indicated by the name "KAYYUM." At any time of the day, freeing yourself from thinking of yourself as the body you use due to external or bodily data in your brain's knowledge base, and REMEMBERING THAT YOUR EXISTENCE CONSISTS OF THE DIVINE NAMES/ATTRIBUTES OF YOUR RABB is REMEMBRANCE (DHIKR)! True faith is to FEEL this reality. To LIVE with this knowledge, and in the ensuing STATE that it puts you in. The definition of this life in the Quran is a state of "perpetual prayer." They have no fire left to kindle their consciousness. While in the world/body life, they are in the state of contemplation with Allah. The observation of Allah, the journey with Allah!

- Ahmed Hulusi