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For Love

Is God Great?

Selected Verses From The Book Of Allah

During that period the earth (the body) will be replaced by another earth (another body), and the heavens as well (individual consciousness will also be turned into another system of perception)! All will be apparent (openly evident with all their inner faces) to Allah, the Wahid, the Qahhar. (14.Ibrahim: 48)

And whomsoever Allah wills the realization of his essential reality, He opens his breast (his innermost comprehension) to Islam (to the consciousness of his submission) and whomsoever He wills to lead astray, He makes his breast tight and constricted, as though he were laboriously climbing into the sky! Thus Allah debases those who do not believe! (6.Al-An'am: 125)

Ahmed Hulusi

Who is Ahmed Hulusi?

Ahmed Hulusi, born in Istanbul 1945, is currently the most comprehensive author of Islamic philosophy in Turkey. He has written more than thirty books since 1965 without any material gain from copyright.

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Back in 1970, when I had written ‘SPIRIT MAN JINN’, I had described how certain people were consciously or subconsciously in contact with non material beings, the Jinn! I had also written with some detail, that in certain circles, the Jinn were presenting themselves in the form of extraterrestrial aliens. It appears that this type of activity will continue to increase in coming years. In 1970, I published " SPIRIT MAN JINN". In my book, which you can find at the following link:, I explained that people knowingly or unknowingly have relationships with jinn (invisible) beings. I also wrote in detail that jinn beings present themselves as ALIENS in cultured circles. I believe that in the coming years, this phenomenon will escalate further; where the appearance of ALIEN SHIPS AND ENTITIES will reach people's brains via frequencies... Even now, some claim that based on information they have received from the jinn, an earthquake will occur in Istanbul towards the end of December. In the United States, some claim that the aliens are already among us, and that they can arrange meetings with meetings with them for $2,000-3,000... I think it's important to stay vigilant. THERE'S A MAN WHO HAS BEEN IN COMMUNICATION WITH JINN SINCE HE WAS 8 YEARS OLD AND BELIEVES THEY ARE ALIENS, EARNING VAST SUMS OF MONEY FROM THIS…

- Ahmed Hulusi