The Quran and The New Age


We’re entering a new year today… A new period… I’m in astonishment!

According to the Islamic calendar its been 27 years since the start of this century and here we are entering another new year yet still no “Mujaddid” (reviver and reformer of religion) has appeared!? And still the Mahdi hasn’t emerged on his white horse with his sword or rifle!? I mean, other than the alleged Mahdi’s that have been of much interest to psychiatrists of course…

So what’s the deal? Is it that no such person exists? Or, he does, but we just can’t seem to recognize him because he’s outside our predetermined expectation of him?


Apparently, he hasn’t come yet… but we all seem to be rapidly reforming and becoming renewed with new understandings (!?) I mean judging from what I hear… 

Apparently women who wear tight clothing are “exhibitionists” and scholars and saints such as Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi, Ibrahim Hakki Erzurumi, Mawlana Jalaladdin, and Imam Aziz Nasafi, who claimed astrological effects played an important role in people’s lives (both in this world and the afterlife) are considered to be blasphemous (!)

It amuses me to see that while the Quran talks about life continuing after the process of “tasting” death, and the Rasul of Allah (saw) says people in the grave will be totally conscious and they will hear and see everything going on around them, and all of the Muslims believe in “resurrection after death” (wal basu badal mawt in Amantu) a “theologist” who primitively claims “one who dies becomes soil and will be re-created from soil” can actually be elected dean of the Faculty of Theology (!) It’s unbelievable… and so unfortunate that such so called theologians and alleged religious figures are rampant in the world…

They don’t even know the meaning of the name “al-Baith” as Imam Ghazali explains or what the word “ba’th” actually means!

Oh but we’re renewing and reforming you see… whatever that even means… 

I’m sure the Mujaddid’s ears are burning….! 

But anyway…

Let us come back to our own topic my friends…

Let us try to gear ourselves with the necessary groundwork to decipher the codes of the magnificent source of knowledge, the Quran, which is embedded with the codes for the New Age …

Let us try to uncover the realities disclosed by Allah’s Rasul, Muhammad Mustapha (saw), the magnificent spirit of eternity…

For the real New Age is going to come when the world recognizes the invaluable knowledge contained in the Quran and decodes them in light of modern science. This is not going to be an easy labor or birth however…

But yes, our topic is the reality of the multiverses and the individual consciousness which perceives this…

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