Let’s explain Abraham’s conscious act of turning to Allah: “Certainly, I have turned my face (my co...
In terms of its literal meaning, chapter Fath explains the Hudaibiya Treaty and the conquering of Me...
By the one who is denoted by the name Allah (who created my being with His Names in accord with the...
O wrapped one (Muddathir);
Alif, Lam, Ra... These (the reality and sunnatullah) are the clear signs of THIS Knowledge, the Qura...
This is a chapter that We have revealed and (the rules that We) made obligatory... We have revealed...
By the space containing the constellations!
Everyone, from the most learned to the most ignorant, has a concept of God. A God that we love, get...
What do we know about the world that is beyond our physical perception? What does a man's lifetime...
Dear thinking minds... In this book I hope to present you with a totally unique perspective. As the...
Do you know about your most powerful weapon? Are you aware that you can activate the power inherent...
What if we were to one day receive a visit from an all knowing alien that enlightened us and answere...
From a God who thinks like a man, to a man who thinks like Allah! For centuries after centuries, ma...
The Word of Unity: La ilaha illallah, comprises the foundation of the Islamic faith. Taken literall...
We usually just say the Basmalah without much thought… Then we recite the Fatiha for our dead! Where...
As known, the Basmalah, ‘In the Name of Allah…’ denotes that ‘Allah’ is a name. A ‘name’ is a sign...
The primary and most essential message of the Quran asserted some 1,400 years ago is the reality tha...
The world has entered the Age of Aquarius declaring: The time for renewal is upon us! Heeding this...
Let us now try to understand the Allah revealed by Muhammad (saw) in the chapter al-Ikhlas, and see...
If the chapter al-Fatiha is understood well it can unlock the Quran for us. For: “The secret of the...
On a planet called Earth, among hundreds of billions of stars, in a galaxy amid billions, ‘your worl...
The lover longs to be with his beloved. The state of the lover will become the state of the beloved...
The brain is the mechanism with which we evaluate everything. In terms of our current perception, t...
Since man is incapable of knowing the universe with his five senses as he is a part of the very univ...
Let us remember and be mindful of the following: Allah will definitely not forgive duality. Every...
“The Bedouins (those who lived based on their conditioning, in ignorance as tribes and clans) said,...
Either faith is apparent to someone, whereby they live with the outlook it provides and are hence ca...
The universality of the religion of Islam cannot be recognized without proper and correct considerat...
Perhaps we need to question the fundamentals of the topic: A deity centered, or a Muhammad (saw)...
What did Muhammad (saw), the most magnificent brain to have ever manifested on earth and the most su...
I received an important and sincere letter in regards to a Sharia-law based government. I would like...
Questions have no end! There is so much to learn yet such limited time! So much has been disclosed a...
One truth should not veil another truth… The external aspect of our practices should not veil the i...
The Rahman is the possessor of grace, who forms all things from Himself with Himself. The forms of...
As we know, the Quran refers to the event known as ‘death’ as an experience which every ‘soul’, i.e...
I am a "Muhammadan"... Namely, there are two main reasons why human beings exist in this world: 1...
What’s the Mahdi going to do if he arrives? According to Hadith, the Rasul of Allah (saw) says; A...
The One denoted by the name Allah was disclosed to us by Muhammad (saw) who, rather than a prophet,...
There is no turning back in the System of Allah. The past is never repeated! This holds true for in...
Narrated by Aliya Atalay - Video Editing by Nazli Turkmen "For Love" The lover knows only the belo...
- The database in our brain has become so captive to the idea of a material world perceived via the...
Everybody is in this delusion and nobody is aware... You look at the TV screen as you’re watching s...
Today science claims that what we call matter is entirely what the brain perceives based on the sign...
Is the Islamic way of life about beards, headscarves and turbans, and dress codes? What could the S...
To put it simply, the purpose of religion is to make man realize Allah, his essential reality, and t...
Perhaps we need to question the fundamentals of the topic: A deity centered, or a Muhammad (saw) ce...
We have been addressed as ‘humans’… What exactly is a human though? To what does the word ‘human’ a...
I don’t understand... I disclose things that haven’t been told before they say “we never heard such...
First and foremost, dhikr (remembrance), the remembrance of Allah. That is, to understand the meani...
Thus we addressed this topic too… As this is a recording I should make a statement: We frequently ge...
Greetings... May your life unfold with the consciousness of your true essence. I am very happy to sh...
Will intercession be of any benefit to us after death? ... The message of the Quran and the teachin...
The Quran and the Rasul of Allah (saw) explain life after we taste death, that is life after the bra...
Hello, Today’s topic is Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) which is explained as the 5th of the five pillar...
Hello, Today, I will be recalling a very important subject but, it’s significance is so compelling,...
Hello my dear friends, Today, I’d like to mention the most important faculty in you. Perhaps you ar...
Translated & Narrated by Aliya Atalay From a God who thinks like a man, to a man who thinks like Al...
Translated & Narrated by Aliya Atalay The Word of Unity: La ilaha illallah, comprises the foundatio...
Translated & Narrated by Aliya Atalay The One denoted by the name Allah was disclosed to us by Muha...
Translated & Narrated by Aliya Atalay Surely the importance of READing the Quran can’t be stated en...
Translated & Narrated by Aliya Atalay While the titular Muslims, who haven’t succeeded in comprehen...
Translated & Narrated by Aliya Atalay Many people think reciting the Arabic letters of the Quran (w...
Yes…I have been explaining and explaining these topics. But we don’t seem to be getting anywhere. N...
Now, when I wrote my book “The Truth of Life” about 25 years ago, to expound the truth and reality o...
From the moment we are born, we are conditioned to think and believe that the external physical worl...
Translated & Narrated by Aliya Atalay The lover longs to be with his beloved. The state of the lov...
MUSTAFA CECELİ - "ONE" - OFFICIAL VIDEO Obvious is the ONE If only you wish to seeIt's only the ONE...
MUSTAFA CECELI - "Al Ahad - الأحد" - Arabic - Official Video الأحد الحق ظاهرٌلو كنت بقلبك تبصرسترى...
FOR LOVE To love and for love we came to this worldOur purpose is love, to love the LoverEach part...
Will be ready soon...