Why Decode the Quran from a Sufi Perspective?
The Quran addresses the intellect. In the most basic terms it underpins two truths.
1. There is no 'god out there' administrating existence from afar. There is only the One denoted by the name 'Allah.' It is this existence, which comprises man's essential reality, whose knowledge man should strive to acquire.
2. Man - in terms of the Names and qualities of Allah comprising his essence - is immortal. Therefore, he should align his life in accordance with this inherent endless potential within.
As with B'ismillah-arRahman-arRahim, the letter 'B' in the Quran alludes to these essential truths. In fact, the reality symbolized by the letter 'B' has been the underlying essential groundwork for all schools of Sufism, throughout all ages. If, on the contrary, this truth is not grasped, the Quran will inevitably be misconceived as a book referencing a god in the heavens. Whereas, Allah is the limitless eternal Oneness, invalidating all concepts of an 'other' in terms of space and dimension!
In Decoding the Quran the reader is given the opportunity to read through the lens of this reality.