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Religion and Science

On one hand we have loads of religious information passed on throughout the centuries, on the other hand we have the world of science overturning everything we thought we knew…

Many people today totally disregard religious information as “outdated” because it came 1400 years ago and used a language that addressed the people of that time. Due to this it is either misunderstood, or not understood at all in modern times. The failure to decode the metaphors and symbolic language of religion has turned many people away from the “Book” and the “Call” leading them to consider it as “superstitious nonsense” …

On the other hand, science has made tremendous advances, especially in the last century, and has turned everything we know upside down…

Many scientists such as Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Louis De Broglie, Schrodinger, Davisson and Germer have presented theories that have literally reconstructed the mental world of modern man… 


The current scientific view asserts that:

a. The building block of matter is a single element; hydrogen,

b. A star turns matter into energy by the process of nuclear fusion,

c. The universe is a gigantic electromagnetic field, 

d. Matter can change form with speed; at high speeds it can turn into energy and surpass the state of matter,

e. Electrodynamics reflect the truth more accurately than mechanics,

f. Time and space are relative, 

g. Energy has mass,

h. The basic unit of all light is a photon. 


These and many other such phenomenon that were not known in the past are now accepted by science, while poor Galileo was tried by the Inquisition and put through excruciating torture just because he said the Earth revolves around the Sun…

 I want to now draw your attention to an important point before I move on…

 All scientists are in unison today with the idea that the ‘stability’ of all forms of matter, whether solid or liquid exists only in appearance; in reality matter is made of atoms that are in constant motion

In light of modern science, many intellectuals state that it is our crude and coarse nature that prevents us from perceiving the atomic make-up of matter…

They also claim that the universe is made of electromagnetic waves, and that it is a holistic form beyond human cognition…

That is, the understanding that “everything is matter, there is nothing beyond matter” which was widely accepted until recently has now become totally depleted, and in its stead a new vision, that of a ‘boundless universe’ has emerged…

Humans who live on Earth with their five senses – a point where these waves “densify” so to speak, have deciphered a deep secret and moved beyond matter, so to speak, through their ability to contemplate…

How did this seemingly material man discover such a truth with such limited senses?

Let us explore this step by step…

For the first time William Prout, an English chemist and physician, hypothesized that every atom that makes up an object is comprised of hydrogen atoms and hence the hydrogen atom is the only truly fundamental particle in the make-up of the universe.

In 1911 in Langevin he proved that 16 hydrogen atoms make up one oxygen atom and thus the universe is essentially made of multiples of a single element. 

This validated the principle of the “unity of existence” asserted by religious teachings… 

After this Albert Einstein said:

“Matter is energy and energy is matter! The difference between them is in passing… If matter becomes sparse and its speed increases to dramatically, we call it radiation or energy… If on the other hand it becomes dense and heavy whereby, we can calculate its mass, we call it ‘matter’…”

As a matter of fact, for the first time in July 1945 in New Mexico a part of matter was converted to light, motion, sound and energy…

After that the notion of the electron, which was assumed to be round, changed to ‘electrical charge’ and the conception of the atom changed to ‘stacks of waves’ rather than a ‘particle’…

In short it has become evident that all of matter consists of frequencies, waves and that we are in effect living in a universe of waves…

These are the observations of scientists…

But we too can analyze the realm of waves!

Let us consider some examples of waves and rays that can be determined with the senses…

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