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Dreams – Déjà Vu – Ecmnesia – Past Lives

During sleep, one is free from the limitations of his body, in proportion with the sensitivity of his brain, and thus begins to ascend… This ascension may either be vertical or horizontal. 

If the ascension takes place horizontally, he may travel around the world and see places he has never seen before, depending on how much he can release himself from the conditioning of his bodily senses, as many factors play a role in this…

It is at this level that he may encounter the jinn…

I would like to give an example from my own life. In 1965, while I was going to Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca) by using the motorway, I went to the South East region of Turkey and I stopped by the city of Gaziantep. While I was there, I went to see the Colonel N. who was a judge in the army and was one of my close friend’s uncle in law. When I went there and saw the premises of the military barracks and its garden, I was very much surprised, because I knew that I had definitely seen that place before. 

Now, those who believe in reincarnation will immediately make the following interpretation: ‘It is most certain that in your previous life, you were either an army officer or a soldier and you must have done your military service there, which is why you can remember that place’. 

In fact, what has been sighted does not have any connection with what they claim. Because, even though I cannot state an exact date when, I remember very clearly seeing the exact scene in a dream some time before. If it were possible for me to have lived in that place before, then surely some changes should have taken place since that time. 

As I said, the situation is very simple and clear to understand. During sleep, the upper part of the body, also referred to as ‘the human’ or the ‘astral body’ leaves the physical body and enters the astral plane, making a horizontal tour. Clearly, I had seen this place during one of these tours. 

Apart from this, many of my dreams whether related to the past or the future have actualized in exactly the same manner as I have shared above. 

So, to wrap it up, all such dreams (referred to as ‘ru’yah’ in Arabic, which means ‘sight’) takes place during the sleep as a result of the horizontal ascension of the upper structure of the body. 


As for vertical ascensions…

Let us start with an example...

As I have previously explained from the scientific view point, the concept of time and place is relative, it is experienced differently by everyone…

For example, imagine that you are in an infinitely big desert, and you are walking in the middle of a long caravan. It is so long that you can’t see its beginning or end. The places that you can see and recognize are limited to a distance of only a few meters within the scope of your eye sight. 

Now, the places that you see within a certain period of time, say within one hour, will be considered ‘past’ after that hour is over and you’ve walked all that distance. The area that you’re walking through at that particular instant would then become the ‘present’ for you while only an hour ago it was the ‘future’…

Similarly, for someone walking behind you, your current position would be regarded as the ‘future’ for them and their current position at that moment, i.e their “present” would be the ‘past’ for you. 

Now consider a helicopter entering the scene, picking you up and rising towards the sky vertically. What will happen then? 

While the area you had just seen within a few hundred meters were regarded as your ‘present’, the places you are seeing now as you rise higher and higher will begin to expand and what you had seen an hour ago and what had become the ‘past’ for you, will now become the ‘present’ and hence the past and future will slowly diminish while the ‘present’ continues to expand.

Eventually you may reach a point at which you may be able to see the entire caravan and desert…  While time and space is still applicable to those in the caravan, you will have become freed of these concepts. Your ascension will have saved you from this limitation. 


So, we may conclude that to the extent that one is able to ascend vertically (we do not yet have sufficient knowledge on what causes vertical ascension in dreams) and free himself from his physical conditioning, he will begin to encompass the past and the future… 


For nothing that is nonexistent becomes existent and nothing that exists becomes nonexistent. Based on this principle, everything that has transpired in the “past” (the relative past, based on your current position) is present and existent as certain wavelengths in space.

If we had a powerful radio in our hands that is capable of interpreting these waves into signals that our ears can analyze and hear or if we had a television set that could show these waves to our eyes, we would then be able to see the past as if we were living it now. 

Likewise, the future descends from the heavens, which in Islamic terminology means “dimensions” referring to levels of different heights, in the form of waves at every instant.

In other words, depending on the extent of the vertical ascension one is able to make, one may observe the ‘past’ and the ‘future’ in his ‘present’ moment.

This is why some people make vertical ascensions in their dreams and go to those times, experiencing those events almost as if they are living it. When they come back to earth, that is when they wake up in the dimension of the physical body, they are able to recount their experiences. 

Anyone who believes in reincarnation and observes this event would immediately attribute it to the previous life of that person, interpreting it as the individual remembering his previous life. However, it is most certain that it has no connection whatsoever with something that has been lived in a past life. 


Déjà vu is similar to this. 

The individual sees places and events that he had never seen before through dreams, but then forgets them completely. 

Besides dreams, it is also possible to see visions generated by the jinn.

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