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The Horse Metaphor in Chapter al-Adiyat

The Quran is filled with metaphors. It's general literary style is metaphoric.

Isn't there any clear and definite verse? Of course there are.

But interpreting the metaphorsis extremely important.

Let me give you a very obvious example.

Take any translation you want and read the translation of the 100th chapter "al-Adiyat":

"Audhu billahi minash shaytanirrajeem"

Bismi Llaahi l-raḥmaani l-raḥeem

1. By the racers (people who are like wild horses), panting (to collect worldly wealth),

2. Striking sparks of fire (out of their greed and anger),

3. And rising at dawn to make raids,

4. Who stir up clouds of dust with their greed,

5. And push and hustle their way among the people in that state... (woe to them)!

6. Indeed, man is very ungrateful to his Rabb!

7. And to this he bears witness!

8. Indeed, he has an intense desire for wealth!

9. Does he not know when that which is in the grave (the body) is dredged up and taken out,

10. And that which is in the hearts is made manifest,

11. That their Rabb, as the Names comprising their essence, is ever knowing (Habir) of them.

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