And they have assumed between Him (Allah) and the jinn (conscious beings outside the human capacity of perception) a connection (i.e. associated divinity to them), but the jinn know well that, indeed, they (who made such assumptions) shall surely be summoned (will realize such a connection does not actually exist)![1]

According to this verse, just as a group of people emerged from among the humans claiming that Jesus (pbuh) is the son of Allah, a group of jinn also claimed to have similar ties to Allah.

We can also deduce from this verse that while these jinn were making such claims, there were other jinn among them who knew these allegations were nonsense and that those spreading these lies will be called to account for it. In other words, just as there are jinn who have gone astray from the reality, there are also truly devout believers among the jinn whose lives are aligned with the reality. 


“From among the jinni (invisible forces) and man!”[2]

Based on this verse, just as we seek protection from the evil of humans, we are encouraged to seek refuge and protection from the evil of the jinn, for only then can we truly be shielded from their harm.


“O communities of jinn and mankind, did there not come to you Rasuls from among you, relating to you My messages pointing to the reality and warning you of the coming of this Day?” They will say, “We bear witness against ourselves”; and the worldly life (they had conjured based on corporeality) had deluded them, and they will bear witness against themselves that they were deniers of the knowledge of the reality.[3]


This verse depicts the state of both humans and jinn on the day of judgment… It also underlines the reality that Nabis and Rasuls were also sent to the jinn and that they too have duties towards their Creator, that they are also responsible for complying with the recommendations of Allah and His Rasul (saw) yet the majority of them do not heed these divine recommendations.

Again, we can clearly see with this verse that when the jinn are faced with the reality they will understand and admit to causing their own demise with their very own hands. Like humans, though the jinn are invited to embrace the reality, the vast majority of them are “coverers of the truth”.


And We directed to you a group of the jinn (beings outside the human visible spectrum), so they may listen to the Quran... When they were ready for it, they said, “Be silent!” And when it was concluded, they went back to their people as warners.

They said, “O our people, indeed we have heard a knowledge revealed after Moses confirming what was before it, which guides to the Truth and to a straight path (tariq al-mustaqim; knowledge that leads to the realization of one’s servitude to Allah, with or without their consent).

“O our people, respond to the DAI’ALLAH (the jinn perceived him as the Dai’Allah not the Rasulullah; misused words such as ‘messenger’ denoting a courier of information derive from this word) and believe in him; Allah will forgive for you some of your sins and protect you from a great suffering...”[4]


The jinn recognized the Rasuls as ‘DAI’ALLAH,’ which literally means the ‘inviters of/to Allah.’ The commonly used phrase ‘Messenger of Allah,’ which denotes a postman position to the Rasuls, also arises from this word.

Here we see for the first time that a group of the jinn listen to the Quran and then go back to their people and call them to faith…


  1. Say: “It has been revealed to me that a group of the jinn listened (to the Quran) and said, 'Indeed, we have heard an amazing Quran.’”
  2. “It guides to the right course (maturity/perfection), so we have believed in it. And we will never associate partners to our Rabb!”
  3. “Indeed, exalted is the nobleness of our Rabb; He has not taken a wife or a son!”
  4. “Our inadequate understanding has been making us claim foolish things about Allah!”
  5. “We had thought that mankind and the jinn would never speak a lie about Allah.”
  6. “And yet there were men and women from mankind who sought refuge in men and women from the jinn, thereby increasing (provoking each other) in excessive (carnal) behavior.”
  7. “And they had thought, as you thought, that Allah would never resurrect (ba’th) anyone.” (This verse indicates that jinn, like humans, have no proficiency pertaining to life after death/resurrection.)
  8. “And we touched the heaven but found it filled with powerful guards (forces) and burning flames (rays that impeded our judgment).”
  9. “And we used to take up positions therein to listen, but whoever listens now will find a burning flame lying in wait for him.”
  10. And we do not know whether evil is intended for those on earth (body) or whether their Rabb intends for them a right course (the maturity to observe the reality). (This verse is a clear proof that the jinn have no knowledge of how people will live; how their essential composition of Names will manifest in their lives and what their purpose of manifesting in the sight of Allah is.)
  11. “And among us are the righteous, and among us are those who are below (the righteous state); we are of various ways (different breeds/species/races; a cosmopolitan community of different make-up and understanding).”
  12. “And we have become certain that we can never invalidate Allah’s command upon earth, nor can we escape Him by flight.”
  13. “When we heard the guidance (Quran), we believed it was the reality. And whoever believes in his Rabb as his own reality, will not fear any deprivation (of his rights) or derogation.”
  14. “And among us are those in submission, and among us are wrongdoers who rebel against the commands. And those who submit are the aspirants of the fullness of the reality.”
  15. “But as for the wrongdoers who disobey the commands, they will be firewood for Hell!”[5]


Finally, these verses give us insight into the general behavior of the jinn… This chapter in the Quran, which is called “Chapter al-Jinn” contains very interesting information about the jinn, which if understood and evaluated properly, can give us significant comprehension regarding these beings…

The jinn that is narrating this says, “When we heard the guidance (Quran), we believed it was the reality” hence showing us that some of them have faith in the Quran. 

The second point to take note of is men and women from mankind seeking refuge in men and women from the jinn, thereby increasing (provoking each other) in excessive (carnal) behavior!

 I will cover more on this topic in the following chapters. 

Thirdly, we are given important information regarding the place of the jinn in the universe, their actions, their methods of extracting information and the things that burn and harm them… Again, more on this in the following chapters…

The fourth point to consider is their confession regarding their incapacity to know how people will live; how their essential composition of Names will manifest in their lives and what their purpose of manifesting in the sight of Allah is, and hence any information they provide is far from the truth.

And finally, the jinn, like humans, are of different opinions and beliefs; while some deny the reality, some have submitted to and are aspiring to achieve the fullness of the reality. 

All of this is let known to us though their own words…

[1] Quran 37:158

[2] Quran 114:6

[3] Quran 6:130

[4] Quran 46:29-31

[5] Quran 72:15

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