The One who guides and enables an individual to discover their reality and to live their life in accordance to their essence. It is the source of risalah (personification of Allah’s knowledge) and nubuwwah (prophethood), which comprise the pinnacle states of sainthood (wilayah). It is the dispatcher of the perfected qualities comprising the highest point of sainthood, risalah, and the state one beneath that, nubuwwah. While the expression of nubuwwah is indefinitely functional, the expression of nubuwwah applies only to earthly life. A Nabi continues to live at the same state of perfection after death, but his explicit role as a Nabi is no longer active. On the other hand, due to its inherent saintly qualities, risalah continues infinitely (as it does with saints).




The One who observes and evaluates His universal perfection on worldly forms manifested by His Name al-Waliyy.

Hamd belongs only to Him.




The creator of the ‘forms’ (micro to macro) comprising the seeming multiplicities, each equipped with unique qualities and attributes, within UNITY.




The One who originates the whole of creation in the corporeal worlds, all with exclusive and unique qualities.




The One who restores life to those who turn back to their essence.




The One who enlivens and enlightens! The One who enables the continuation of the individual’s life through the application of knowledge and the observation of one’s essential reality.




The One who enables a ‘taste’ (experience) of death. The One who allows a transition between one state of existence to another.




The source of names! The One who gives life to the Names and manifests them. The source of universal energy, the essence of energy!




The One who renders Himself existent with His own attributes, without the need of anything. Everything in existence subsists with al-Qayyum.




The One whose qualities and attributes are unfailingly abundant. The manifest One. The One, from which nothing lessens, despite the abundance of His manifestations.




The magnificent and glorious One with unrestricted, infinite generosity and endowment (benevolence).




The One and only! ‘ONE’ness far beyond any concept of multiplicity. The ONE, that isn’t composed of (or can be broken into) parts (as in pantheism). The ‘ONE’ness that renders duality obsolete! The ‘ONE’ness that no mind or intellect can fully comprehend!




The Pure Whole One! Free from the concept of multiplicity! Not formed of adjoining parts. Far from conceptualization and limitation. The self-sufficient One, in need of nothing!

An authentic hadith narrates: “As-Samad is such that it bears no space or emptiness within it (all, whole, one).”




The One who creates (discloses, manifests) and observes His knowledge with His power without depending on causality. The One who is absolutely boundless!

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