Muhammad (saw) - NEW BOOK!

The Biggest Miracle in Life

The Three Golden Realities of Life (New Video)

Decoding The Quran (In Chronological Order of Revelation)

The Form of Knowledge and the Multidimensional Hologram (NEW!)

For Love

Is God Great?

Selected Verses From The Book Of Allah

During that period the earth (the body) will be replaced by another earth (another body), and the heavens as well (individual consciousness will also be turned into another system of perception)! All will be apparent (openly evident with all their inner faces) to Allah, the Wahid, the Qahhar. (14.Ibrahim: 48)

And whomsoever Allah wills the realization of his essential reality, He opens his breast (his innermost comprehension) to Islam (to the consciousness of his submission) and whomsoever He wills to lead astray, He makes his breast tight and constricted, as though he were laboriously climbing into the sky! Thus Allah debases those who do not believe! (6.Al-An'am: 125)

Ahmed Hulusi

Who is Ahmed Hulusi?

Ahmed Hulusi, born in Istanbul 1945, is currently the most comprehensive author of Islamic philosophy in Turkey. He has written more than thirty books since 1965 without any material gain from copyright.

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Those who observe reality from the same perspective we look from have realized very well that materialist philosophy has failed! All philosophical perspectives based on materialist philosophy have been proven invalid in our time! Regardless of which philosopher, thinker, or religious figure in the past, their interpretations based on materialist understanding have now been invalidated! Even assessments based solely on sight, hearing, and touch do not reflect the truth in many aspects! Today, science has demonstrated that the essence of what we call matter is the wavelengths of energy. And wavelengths are none other than data/information/knowledge! At the "point" of origin, everything is fundamentally ONE! In other words, the essence and origin of all of us is this infinite and limitless "One", beyond all definition! Besides unity, there is no second existence! Metaphorically, religion has referred to this "ONE" as "Allah"! Additionally, it has emphasized that there is no god within this Unity. Whatever is indicated by the name "ALLAH," know that it is present in your ESSENTIAL REALITY, whether you are aware of it or not! It is for this reason that Hadrath Muhammad (saw) invited people to discover and recognize the characteristics of their reality and essence in their dimensional depths. While the secret of this invitation reached our era through metaphorical Sufi understanding, in our time, the explanation of this narration has gained clarity through what is referred to as the holographic reality. According to the holographic reality, all the characteristics existing in the whole are also present at each point, each particle! In other words, all the characteristics existing in the originality of the universe are also present in the dimensional depth of each unit of existence! The principle of "KNOW YOURSELF" indicates the awareness of unlimited potential that exists in the deep dimensions of the human mind. Now, let's address to the main question. Even though we are essentially all ONE, why are there so many contradictions and hostilities in this life; why all these rules? How have so many different types of beings and structures emerged? Normally, our brain structure works according to the system of perceiving and solving everything from outside to inside. However, the way to solve the truth is possible by evaluating it from the inside out or from singularity to multiplicity. Now, let me give an example... Think of the first cell formed by the union of sperm and egg. The information program about how the organs will form is present in this single cell! This program unfolds stage by stage, creating the subsequent stages, and eventually, the human body we know comes into existence. In other words, how a body will eventually form is hidden and predetermined in the program of the first cell! Similarly, the structures, existence, and functions of all formations in the universes within universes are in the program at the singularity point of timelessness! It is due to this program, that all our human, materialistic evaluations are invalid! Human evaluations begin to be valid only in terms of the dimension of compositions in throughout existence. All brains, which are compositions of all the features that make up existence, make evaluations according to their formations and subsist in the realm of those evaluations! No one can perceive, feel, and experience someone else’s world! This is indicated by the verse "They all act in accordance with their own creational programs." Every plant, every animal, and every human puts forward the requirements of its creational program, and it is not possible to put forward anything else! In this system, the valid rule is "the strong overcomes the weak"! There is no place for excuses in the system; excuses are not valid! Remember that if you were born and raised in the conditions of the person you dislike and condemn, you would not be different from them! Remember that no one has chosen where in the world, in which society, race, gender, or species they would be born! For this reason, instead of criticizing people for things beyond their control, we should think about how their harmful actions can be prevented.

- Ahmed Hulusi