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How Can You Call It A Lie?

He has no idea about his own body let alone the universe!

He walks around with a tough guy attitude, giving orders to everyone, but his consciousness dwells at the level of a rural village, despite the fact that his body may be living in London, Paris, Istanbul or New York!

As his brain is blocked with the conditionings and value judgments he received as a kid from his jerkwater town life, he still views the world from the narrow window of his tiny village-like, ‘local’ mentality!

His label says he’s a ‘great man’! His label cons people into thinking he has a lot of knowledge! But in reality, he lives in his world with the things he learnt and memorized in his rural community, oblivious of his ‘villager label’!

Is this bad? Is it a sin? Is it forbidden?

No… Not at all!

The only thing is, due to his lack of awareness of this situation, he will not be able to surpass his identity; he will inevitably waste his life and consume himself with worthless things! And thus, inadvertently, he will also drag others like himself into erroneous ways!

He may be a genius in physics, medicine, chemistry or astronomy, but he still dwells in his little rural village. He approaches people, events and life with the values he acquired and fosters in his rustic mind.

He has learnt religion from a course taught by villagers. This education laid the foundations in his brain and initialized the direction of his thoughts!

Even if he has become a professor in his later life, because his brain is blocked with judgments based on inadequate data acquired during his younger years, he is never able to overcome these thought patterns!

Due to being raised in a system that dictated memorization and prohibited questioning and research, he anxiously refrains from synthesizing the information he acquires to produce new outcomes as if it would lead him to danger!

Where does earth stand in respect of the universal realities? How much of the billions and billions of activities going on in his body does he have insight into?

What is his brain, how does it work? What exactly is this being he calls ‘me’ or ‘I’? He refrains from giving the slightest thought to such topics… they scare him!

Perhaps he has memorized a one liner such as “everything is god, everything is a part of god, god is me, I am!

And? What next? What has memorizing this brought him? How does this contribute to his life? What kind of comfort does this awareness offer him?

If knowing this leads him to live an irresponsible corporeal life, then it has obviously defeated the purpose since that is how all animals live their lives already! What kind of a ‘difference’ has this awareness given him? What has he gained? Which doors of mystery have opened up to him with this knowledge, what sort of new secrets has it helped him acquire and experience and enrich his life with?

What kind of ‘enlightenment’ is this if he has no idea of the sunnatullah? In fact, he is not even aware of it!

The expense of deceiving one’s self is the biggest expense in life!

They say “but he knows the Quran!”

Why? What for?

He claims he is the ‘Reality’ and the ‘One’ but does he actually know what the QURAN is?

Please don’t say: “It is the book sent down by God to his prophet!”

The Quran says:

Rahman(the absolute possessor of all the qualities denoted by the Names), taught the Quran (formed the structural qualities pertaining to the dimension of Names), created MAN, and taught him eloquence(manifested the qualities of the Names on man).”(Quran 55:4)

How was man created? After which stage?

When man was inexistent, to whom was the Quran taught?

What does it mean to ‘teach’ the Quran? Why does the Quran expound these things to us?

As a reaction to Darwin’s theory that man is an advanced species of ape, the view of Intelligent Design started to gain popularity in the United States. According to this view, man was created by a Creative Intelligence independent of the apes...

Fa tabarak Allahu ahsanal Halikeen!

The Sufi saints talked about The First Intellect (aql-i Awwal) over a thousand years ago, as the manifestation of Allah’s attribute of knowledge from the essence of the universe...

They said the First Intellect, or Universal Intelligence in today’s terminology, is involved in every movement of every form of existence within the universe...

Hasn’t anybody noticed this?

When some scientist talks about Creative Intelligence and Intelligent Design the whole world is shaken up! Whereas this is merely another way of expressing the meaning of Allah’s al-Fatir name: designing, planning, ordering, timing, administrating, and so on... All of these are synonymous with creating,which is what is implied by the word ‘fitrah’ or Fatir!

Many scientists declared: “There is no God” and the intellectuals inclined towards this view, but nobody told them about what Allah references, nobody shared the reality expounded by the Rasul of Allah (saw)!

Is this how blind and blocked we have become?

Atheism, or rejecting God/godhood, which was presented as the view of modern science, was advocated first by Abraham (as) (first as a Hanif, then as the Rasul of Allah) and then by all of the Rasuls, Nabis, saints and the seekers of reality of the past, centuries ago! These eminent people had already declared “La ilaha” (There is no God) thousands of years ago! They had already established the truth “There is no God/godhood, there is only Allah” right at the onset!

“Set your face (consciousness) as a Hanif  (without the concept of a deity-god, without making shirq to Allah, i.e. with the consciousness of non-duality) towards the One Religion (the only system and order), the natural disposition (fitrah) of Allah (i.e. the primary system and mechanism of the brain) upon which Allah has created man. There is no change in the creation of Allah. This is the infinitely valid System (deen al-qayyim) but most people do not know.” (Quran 30:30)

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