231. “The Day when He will gather (resurrect) them together [and say], ‘O community of jinn, you have truly possessed (misled from reality) the vast majority of mankind.’ And their allies among mankind will say, ‘Our Rabb, we mutually benefited from each other, and we have [now] reached our term, which you appointed for us.’ He will say, ‘The Fire is your residence, wherein you will abide eternally, except for what Allah wills...’” (Quran 6:128)

232. “Did I not enjoin upon you (inform you), O children of Adam, that you not serve Satan (body/bodily and unconscious state of existence deprived of the knowledge of reality; ego driven existence) [for] indeed, he (this state of unconsciousness) is to you a clear enemy! And that you serve only Me (experience and feel the requisites of the reality), [as] this is the straight path (sirat al-mustaqim). Verily, this unconscious state (the assumption that you are merely the physical body prone to perish) has already led astray most of you. Did you not use your reason?” (Quran 36:60-62)

233. “He called to his Rabb (the reality of the Names comprising his essence), ‘Indeed, Satan (the feeling of being this body) has given me hardship and torment.’” (Quran 38:41)

234. “And say, ‘My Rabb (the protective names within my essence), I seek refuge in You from the incitements of the satans (that call to corporeality). And I seek refuge in You (the protective names within my essence), my Rabb, lest they be present with me.’” (Quran 23:97-98)

235. “O communities of jinn and mankind, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass (live without a body!). You cannot pass except by power (the manifestation of Allah’s power attribute on you). So, this being the reality, which of the blessings of your Rabb (the reality of the Names comprising your essence – your consciousness and body) will you deny? There will be sent upon (both of) you a flame of fire and smoke (ambiguity and confusion in your consciousness), and you will not be successful.” (Quran 55:33-35)

236. “And when (during death) the heaven (the identity; the sense of self) is split asunder and (the reality) becomes (undeniably clear and the ego-self disappears) burnt oil colored, like a rose[1] (the reality is observed)! So, this being the reality, which of the blessings of your Rabb (the reality of the Names comprising your essence – your consciousness and body) will you deny?” (Quran 55:37-38)

237. “Then on that Day none among men or jinn will be asked about his sin (they will begin to live the natural consequences of their deeds)!” (Quran 55:39)

238. “Certainly you will change dimensions and transform into bodies befitting those dimensions!” (Quran 84:19)

[1] In Sufism, rose is the symbol of the observation of reality.

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